Audio Post Production

Teacher: Ankuran Dutta

A radio station is known and identified by its sound design. From signature tune to jingles and from live announcement to recorded programmes, the production of sound is one of the most important aspects of a radio station.

In a typical radio station a sound recordist is as critical and important as a musician, singer or a speaker, even though the listeners hardly know him. The sound recordists have been unsung hero of radio stations. But, in the recent years, especially in the community radio sector globally, there is a trend to identify sound recordist and recognise the work put in by them.

From the rapid transition of analogue to digital sound technology, the job of a sound recordist has undergone a formidable change in the recent years. Today, sound recordists are accomplishing task in much shorter time as compared with their counterparts in the analogue era. At the same time, the expectations from a sound technician has increased multifold with the ever expanding horizon of sound technology. Currently, the sound technologist need to be on their toes to keep up with rapidly changing concepts and tools.

In a community radio station, the job of a sound technician is an ideal mix of conceptual clarity, practical knowledge of tools and creativity. You will discover this aspect as you go through this module in theory and practice.

Duration of this course- two weeks