Workshops on “ICT Integrated Teacher Education and Communities of Practice for Teacher Educators” for DIETs and CTEs of Karnataka at Bangalore

Workshops on “ICT Integrated Teacher Education and Communities of Practice for Teacher Educators” for DIETs and CTEs of Karnataka

New Delhi: 20/11/2014: With the support of the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi, IT for Change (ITfC), Bangalore will organise two workshops for the teacher educators from CTE (Colleges of Teacher Education) and District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs) in Karnataka.

These workshops will continue from the previous CEMCA engagements in Karnataka for building a strong Communities of Practice (CoP) for ICT integrated teacher education and intend to: build and strengthen teacher educators’ capacities to integrate ICTs into teacher-education, focusing on their professional development; and leveraging the CoP platform create an environment of collaboration; and  assist teacher educators to develop and use digital libraries/OERs through a critical perspectives on technology and of its use in education.

The 1st workshop will be organised for teacher educators of Mathematics and Science subjects from January 20-24, 2015 at the Bangalore Rural DIET and the 2nd workshops will be organises for teacher educators of Social Sciences and Kannada subjects from February 03-07, 2015  at the Bangalore Urban DIET.

IT for Change has been serving as an implementing partner for CEMCA to liaise with the Department of School Education Research and Training, Karnataka and organise the training programmes.