Workshop to provide step-by-step guidance for setting up a Web Radio, 1-3 May, New Delhi

Workshop to provide step-by-step guidance for setting up a Web Radio, 1-3 May, New Delhi

To encourage the use of Internet technology for radio/audio services, CEMCA has commissioned Gramvaani Community Media Pvt. Ltd., a start-up at IITD and well known for their CR station operations and management systems – GRINS, to develop a step-by-step guide for setting up Web Radio, using free and open source software. The draft manual is now ready to be tested in a workshop from 1-3 May at New Delhi with participants of ten institutions across India, including Universities and Community Radio stations.

Web Radio or Internet Radio provides a unique opportunity for community radio stations to reach newer audiences, going beyond the limitations of terrestrial FM transmission. It is a very good way of reaching more people to spread learning and development, especially in institutions where the bandwidth availability in high. Thus, educational institutions who normally apply for the scarce CR frequency can adopt the Web Radio approach to reach their learners and beyond. Besides expanding scope for existing CRS, setting up a web radio will also help current applicants to begin the process of content development and community engagement while waiting for their licences.

Based on the feedback from participants, who will have hands-on experience of setting up their own audio streaming system, the manual will be revised, finalised and widely disseminated through CEMCA web-site to enthusiasts anywhere in the world.