Workshop on piloting of Quality Assurance Toolkit for ODL institutions in Commonwealth Asia at Uttrakhand Open University

New Delhi, March 29, 2019: CEMCA organised two days Workshop on piloting of Quality Assurance Toolkit for ODL institutions in Commonwealth Asia from 27-28 March 2019 at Uttrakhand Open University, Haldwani.

Dr. Jeetendra Pande welcomed all the participants. It was followed by opening rremaks by Prof. Durgesh Pant in which he emphasized that assuring the high-quality of education provision is a fundamental factor of gaining and maintaining credibility for programmes, establishments and country wide structures of greater training worldwide. Despite a long and usually successful song record, open and distance gaining knowledge of (ODL) is nonetheless required to prove that the exceptional of pupil mastering is at least equivalent to face-to-face teaching. The Vice Chancellor Prof. OPS Negi was also participated in the workshop and in his inaugural address stressed that in the present times, institutions of Distance Education are increasingly required to develop performance indicators by which their institutional performance can be measured by the government. Quality Assurance facilitates recognition of the standards of award of degrees, serves public accountability purposes, helps inform learner choice, contributes to improved teaching-learning and administrative processes, and helps disseminate best practices with the goal of leading to overall improvement of ODL. Vote of thanks was delivered by Prof R.C. Mishra, Director Centre of Internal Quality Assurance(CIQA).

During these two days workshop all the stakeholders including University leaders were discussed each and every aspects Quality Assurance Toolkit. All the participants engaged in different groups to analyse the data along with evidences gathered as part of its implementation and prepared an action plan for a year.