Validation Workshop on Community Radio Continuous Improvement Toolkit, University of Hyderabad, 25-26 April, 2013

Validation Workshop on Community Radio Continuous Improvement Toolkit ,University of Hyderabad, 25-26 April, 2013

With a view to promote good practices in community radio (CR) sector, CEMCA is working with UNESCO Chair on Community Media to develop a quality assurance framework in the form of a community radio continuous improvement toolkit (CR-CIT)  for practitioners.  Following the engagement with 10 Community Radio Stations in 29-30 March 2013 that developed a draft of the quality assurance framework, the present workshop seeks to consult experts in the field of Community Radio to discuss, elaborate, validate and describe the parameters of continuous improvement for the CRS. Some of the parameters that will be discussed to develop the indicators of good practice include community participation and mobilisation, revenue generation and financial accountability, technical management, participatory governance structures, policies and guidelines, and volunteer management. The workshop deliberations will help CEMCA to come out with the version 1 of the toolkit that will be further tested and implemented by CRS in the country and the region to promote best practices in Community Radio. The CR-CIT project and the workshop are being coordinated by Prof. Vinod Pavarala, UNESCO Chair in Community Media, University of Hyderabad.