Training programme on Gamification in Higher Education for teachers of HELP University, Malaysia

An online training programme on “Gamification in Higher Education - Awareness and Ways Forward” was organised in collaboration with HELP University, Malaysia on 10-11 November 2021. The focus of the programme was to create awareness on the potential of gamification for active online learning and teaching. During the inaugural session, Professor Paul Chan, Vice Chancellor HELP University, spoke of the importance of gamification to support experiential learning. Professor Madhu Parhar, Director CEMCA, appreciated the initiative by the University to encourage innovation in teaching and learning.

Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda, Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at IIT Tirupati, India presented an overview of gamification and how it helps to overcome challenges in online teaching and learning. Examples of gamification from different domains such as language learning and sciences were shared, and gamification tools were demonstrated. Teachers from diverse departments including Psychology, Education, Languages, Business and Management Studies engaged in hands-on gamification activities and learnt how to build gamification into a topic from their respective courses.