Training in ICT for Teachers of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

DA training programme on "ICT for Teachers" was organised by the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) in collaboration with the GMR Varalakshmi Foundation. The programme was conducted in two batches, each spanning five days, for teachers and para-teachers at Government schools in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana respectively. The first batch of the training was held from 14-18 December 2021, while the second batch was conducted during 18-22 January 2022.   

Speaking at the inaugural of the online training programme, Dr. Avanish Kumar, Director CSR, GMR Varalakshmi Foundation highlighted the need to enable teachers to use ICT for improved teaching-learning processes and outcomes. The training was attended by 120 teachers and was conducted in Telegu to facilitate effective engagement and participation.  Building upon foundational ICT skills to support day-to-day teaching practices, the sessions, led by Dr. K. Arjun, focused on enabling teachers to use a variety of ICT tools for teaching, learning, and assessment. Tools for content creation, delivery, and management were demonstrated and explored. ICT-enabled strategies for student engagement were discussed. The participants found the training to be useful and expressed the need for more such programmes.