Skills based Vocational Programme for Sound Assistants, NIOS ,Noida, February 6-8, 2014

Skills based Vocational Programme for Sound Assistants

New Delhi, 11/02/2014: Moving towards achieving the National Mission of skilling 500 million people in India , the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) has been supporting the development of open and distance learning courses in compliance with the National Skills Qualifications Framework. It is currently supporting the development of a modular programme for Sound Designers at the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). The NIOS organized the second workshop for development of the curriculum and learning materials from February 6-8, 2014 at the NIOS Campus at Noida.  In the modular approach, a Certificate Programme for Sound Assistant is currently being developed, and it will be available for anyone who has Grade 10 qualification. The workshop of experts and course developers reviewed the content developed and discussed the issues related to organization of practical and multimedia based support materials.

The Welcome address was given by Dr. Manju Gupta, Deputy Director, Vocational Department, NIOS. She explained the procedure to be followed while reviewing the lessons written for this programme. Ms. Shivali Chawla, Academic Officer, NIOS as Programme Coordinator, ensured the achievement of set objectives and smooth conduct of the programme. Dr. Ankuran Dutta, Programme Officer from CEMCA attended the event and shared his views on developing the video materials for this programme. Eight outside experts and four internal experts from Media Unit of NIOS participated in the workshop to provide their valuable inputs to the programme.