Up-skilling of Logistics Sector Workers in Malaysia

The supply chain and logistics sector are one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and has been projected to grow at a rate of five percent per year until 2025. With this growth comes a need for more labor, with an estimated demand of more than 19 million people worldwide needed to fill jobs by 2025.

Increasingly, countries are facing a shortage of qualified workers in this industry. This creates a barrier for people looking to get into the workforce and limits mobility for workers already established there. With technology being such an important part of supply chain management, it is becoming increasingly important that companies have employees who can work with new technologies and new ways of doing things and at the same time meet increasing demands of the end customer.

To overcome this skill gap, 21CC Education had created online training modules and conducting training programs through a mobile App platform for the complex concepts of the logistics & transport sector for the blue-collar workers.

Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) aligned to its strategic plan (2021- 27) and to support improved earnings/productivity of marginalized communities extended support to 21CC Education to translate its content into Malay (official language of Malaysia) and conduct upskilling of 100 blue-colour loaders and pickers working in Malaysian logistics companies. These workers are mostly migrants from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Thailand.

Five logistic companies of Malaysia namely: Raya Airways, Dexlo, SnT, lorry.com and PKT Logistics Group onboarded their 144 employees (Male-75, Female-69) to undergo this upskilling training program. Participants were trained through self-paced online course on 21CC mobile app and were mentored and hand-held in face-to-face sessions in company premises by 21CC experts in Malaysia.