Review meeting of DST to progress of SFWHN

DST conducted a review meeting to take stock of the progress made by different Stakeholders including CEMCA for its flagship programme aimed at improving women’s health and nutrition. The NCSTC, Department of Science and Technology, GoI had assigned a project titled “Science for Women’s Health and Nutrition Project” to CEMCA, which involves conducting baseline study about the health seeking behaviour of women of the community through 14 CR Stations followed by capacity building and content creation workshop. The review meeting took place at Madurai and Dindigul (Tamil Nadu) in which CEMCA made its presentation and briefed the members that through the baseline study 14000 women have been surveyed, 280 women trained in survey techniques and 140 women trained in radio programming. Four social scientists, 22 Community media experts and 14 translators were involved as resource persons for the delivery of the project. 140 members of 14 Advisory committee participated in analysing the baseline survey and recommending the CR Station for further funding for content creation. 140 model episodes were produced with the help of CEMCA by the 14 CR stations. The experts’ committee constituted by DST lauded the efforts put in by CEMCA.