Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Awareness Workshop Integrated with Education (Higher / Vocational)

Mar 30, 2017, Kolkata – A One-Day workshop was held on March 29, 2017 at Kolkata by International College and CEMCA to increase “Awareness about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)” and integrate it with Education for the workers employed in Automobile Sector. The awareness workshop was held to launch a year-long programme aimed at mobilizing and recognizing at least 2500 youth currently engaged in automobile servicing and sales in rural and semi-urban pockets around Kolkata. Along with the RPL provided by Automotive Skill Development Council (ASDC), these youth will be hand held to pursue education through National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), Netaji Subhash Open University (NSOU) or elsewhere; as apt for their current education and constraints.

Sri R.K. Bhat, Principal, International College extended his warm welcome to the gathering of 50 participants and dignitaries from Delhi and Kolkata from prestigious organizations and institutions as mentioned in the following text.

The Key note speaker for the workshop, Shri Jaikant Singh, Head of Strategy and Programme Development, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) in his address emphasized that Skills and Education have to go hand-in-hand for the betterment of the individual. He provided clarity to the participants on roles of various organizations likes NSDC, ASDC, NCVT, NIOS etc. and urged the participants to take advantage of the offerings of the Government of India especially in the form of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) which lays special stress on RPL.

ASDC was represented by Mr. D. P. Das who addressed the gathering of Automobile Dealers, Garage Owners, Taxi Driver Union Leaders, eRickshaw Union leaders, etc. whose buy-in is a must for the success of RPL. As Mr. Das spoke in Bangla and charmed the participants he interacted with the participants to provide clarifications to their numerous inquiries related to RPL.

Prof. Anirban Ghosh, Director, School of Vocational Studies, NSOU informed the participants about how they and their employees who have completed 10+2 studies can pursue a bachelor degree while continuing to work. He spoke about various long and short term course offerings of NSOU.

Dr. Rachna Bhatia, Regional Director, NIOS made the most informative presentation where all participants came to know the various avenues available today for a school drop out to complete his/her education through open schooling. She said that NIOS and NSDC have already signed an MoU and have agreed to align their courses to National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF).

Ms. Srabani Rai from Community Radio, Jadavpur University talked about how Community Radio can help build many bridges between institutions like NSDC, ASDC, NIOS or NSOU and the community of automobile workers. She invited one and all to fully realize the potential of Community Radios by participating as listeners and producers.

Dr. C. K. Ghosh from NIOS struck a chord with the audience when he spoke in Bangla and told them about the importance of ethical practices in the field of education and skill development. He was a powerful speaker and mesmerized the audience as he quoted many relevant examples from the past which lay stress on ethics.

The audience was very participative and interacted without any inhibitions. The participants included representatives from Tata Motors who were also co-sponsors, Jyote Motors, TVS Motors, Mohan Motors, Sanei Motors and Lexus Motors.

Md. Safiruddin Sheikh from International College proposed the vote of thanks. He said that International College has been involved in Skill Development for more than a decade now and pledged his commitment for the project to make it a very successful and an effective intervention.

CEMCA in collaboration with International College conducted this “RPL Awareness Workshop Integrated with Education” in Kolkata as a first step towards a long journey. For the first phase of implementation Automotive sector has been chosen. The intent is to directly tie up RPL with education by inviting the multiple stakeholders for the year-long intervention. The project involves multi-party arrangement where mobilization cost will be borne by CEMCA, training cost will be borne by International College and Certification cost will be borne by NSDC. There will be enrolment in Secondary and Higher Education for which there will be cooperation sought from NSOU and NIOS Regional Centre.