Professional Development Online Course on “OER-based e-Learning” - Certificate Awards Ceremony

Professional Development Online Course on “OER-based e-Learning” - Certificate Awards Ceremony

The Certificate Awards Ceremony of the Professional Development Online Course, “OER-based e-Learning” was held on 11th June, 2015, at the Faculty of Education, OUSL. Dr. Vijitha Nanayakkara, Vice-Chancellor of OUSL, attended as the Chief Guest of the Ceremony. The academic staff members of OUSL who successfully completed all five modules of this fully online course of six months duration received “Certificates of Completion” at this occasion.

The ‘OER-based e-Learning’ online course was adapted and developed by OUSL in collaboration with the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), aiming at professional development of educators in integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) in teaching and learning. It was facilitated by Prof. Shironica Karunanayaka, Prof. J.C.N. Rajendra and Dr. Uditha Ratnayake at OUSL, guided by Prof. Som Naidu of Monash University, Australia.