Placement Facilitation Service through JOB FAIR at NSOU Kolkata

New Delhi, March 14, 2018: Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi supporting Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata through higher education integrated project titled “Increase Access and Improve Institutional Capacity for Sustainable Development through Vocational Education and Training”. The objective of this three year project (2017-19) is to increase the access to different vocational courses of the university to increase the employability of the rural people specially for the disadvantaged and marginalized people. Every student expectsthat after successful completion of training they get suitable job in the industry. As the part of the project, the School of Vocational Studies of NSOU has developed an online a platform “Placement Facilitation Service” for the vocational students. The vocational students can upload/ update their CV through this portal where a pool of employers are already registered. To facilitate this online service, the SVS, NSOU for the first time organized JOB FIAR/ JOB MELA at its Kalyani Campus on 12th March 2018.

The passed out and current students were invited to attend the fair. Around 213 students of different programs underSchool of Vocational Studies participated in the job fair. The students travelled long distances from Arambagh, Murshidabad, Lalgola, Asansol, Birbhum etc. to attend interviews/ counselling. The registration started at 10.30am and the interview session ended at 5.30pm.

The students mostly came from two vocational branches- Tailoring and Dress Designing and Pre Primary Teachers’ Education, Export-Import Management, Travel & Tourism, Fire safety & Security management etc. Though the job openings available were not from matching trades, there was interest and enthusiasm among students to appear for the interview. The students were very happy to get the opportunities to interact with the industry people and also learnt the interview protocol and curtsy for appearing at the interview or face the interviewer for recruitment/ job.

The students also shared their experiences and views about the JOB FAIR and they requested to organize such type of programme frequently for the benefit of the students. The participants convey their satisfaction and congratulated to the organizers- NSOU-SVS and COL-CEMCA for taking such initiatives for the first time at Netaji Subhas Open University.