Orientation Workshop for Community Radio Stations for Content Creation on Bamboo4SD

CEMCA organized an orientation workshop for community radio stations for content creation on promoting Bamboo for Sustainable development on August 26, 2019 at Einstein Hall, USO House, New Delhi. CEMCA in partnership with the Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC) is working on a project named as “Promote Bamboo MSME Clusters for Sustainable Development” partially funded by the European Union (EU) under its SWITCH Asia Programme.   

The project is implemented in nine states (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Odisha, & Tripura) in India. The project is designed to help local communities and other stakeholders for the promotion of green economy, sustainable growth, economic prosperity and poverty reduction along with mitigation of climate change. It has been planned to use community radio platform to reach to the local communities for promoting Bamboo as well as answering to the problems of artisans and new entrepreneurs. 

The workshop was organised with the objectives of orienting CR Stations towards the Bamboo4SD project, identifying themes for the community learning programmes and discussing the process for development and broadcast of the programmes. Members from 9 CR stations covering 4 states (Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Tripura) participated in the programme, one state expressed the interest but could not join the programme. Community radio experts Dr. Ujjwala Tirkey Senior Scientist, Department of Science and Technology and Dr. Ankuran Dutta, Associate Professor Gauhati University also joined for guiding the CR Stations and supporting CEMCA as consultants with this project. Experts from FMC also joined for orienting the members towards the project.

At the end all the CR stations along with team FMC and team CEMCA participated in the discussion for bringing out major themes and work flow for preparing and running CLPs in their respective states.