Online Training on Documentation and Skill Training

On the request of President , Community Radio Association (CRA) Prof Madhu Parhar, Director, CEMCA initiated the activity of Online training on Documentation and Report Writing Skills for CRS. CEMCA proposed the training in three phases for the functional community radio stations in India- 1st Phase for North and West Zone, 2nd Phase for Central and East Zone and 3rd Phase for South and North- East Zone.

The workshop for the functional CRS from North and West Zone and Central and East Zone were organized on April 26th- 27th, 2021and May 17th -18th, 2021 respectively. The third phase workshop will be organized in the month of June 2021.

During North and West Zone and Central and East Zone total 84 and 65 respectively were invited.

Objectives of the Orientation Program

  • Design and develop the online workshops for CRS and prepare program schedule
  • Conduct 3 workshops in the months of April, May and June, 2021 respectively in consultation with CRS to fix the dates and participation of each workshop in advance by CEMCA
  • To make the participants understand the use of tools for project preparations, data collection and report writing. The tools may be Google Docs, Forms, and Sheets to be utilized for various purposes by CRS in future.
  • · To expose the participants on report writing skills to present the same in standardized format .

At the outset  on 1st day of the workshop Dr. Mishra told the participants that this orientation will mainly focus on the Google Forms, Google Sheets and how the same will be saved in Google Drive automatically as these become the part of Google Drive. He also stressed that when we use Google Forms and Google Sheets the collection of data and collation with the help of forms and sheets of any project will have a standardized format to explain the same while reporting for the benefit of policy makers or sponsoring agencies.

On 2nd day of the workshop ,In the presentation the resource person discussed about the various aspects of report writing starting from Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Target Group to whom the report has to be addressed. One should know for whom to be written, what to be written and how to be written.

Some of the participants opined that the sessions were very useful and helpful to overcome their doubts in the above areas and felt the explanations were very elaborate, clear and in simple language. Some of them have suggested that, in future, some workshop should be organized on the use of social media platforms by the CRS and also a workshop on how to conduct the research.