Online capacity Building workshop for Government ITI vocational training faculties from Uttar Pradesh

Four days online trainers' training programme on Employability, Entrepreneurship, and Life skills conducted for ITI vocational trainers of Uttar Pradesh from 27th to 30th April 2021. Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) collaborated with National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) to conduct this program.

Workshop was attended by 25 faculties, from various government ITI colleges across Uttar Pradesh.

Dr. Poonam Sinha (Director, NIESBUD), Dr Madhu Parhar (Director, CEMCA), Mr. Saurabh Mishra (Programme Officer, CEMCA) were present in inaugural function.  All speakers during their sessions gave emphasis on building entrepreneurial ecosystem in India and how in this period of uncertainty in job market with increasing covid cases, a self-employed person can sustain and enhance their and other’s livelihood. 

Participants also shared their views on how entrepreneurial knowhow is mandatory for faculties and how they can guide their students to start their own business. They also put emphasis on how business can create jobs in small towns of UP and can help in improvement of economic condition of Uttar Pradesh.

Sessions on Entrepreneurial Motivation, Life Skills, Financial and Digital  Literacy, Role and Schemes of State / Central Government Department in Promoting Entrepreneurship, Preparation of Business Plan / Project Report were conducted in this 4 days of online capacity building training program.