Online capacity Building workshop for Government ITI vocational training faculties from Ladakh

Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) in collaboration with National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) conducted online trainers' training programme on Employability, Entrepreneurship, and Life skills for ITI vocational trainers of Ladakh from 27th May to 01st Jun 2021. Sessions were attended by 24 faculties from ITI colleges of Leh and Kargil.

Dr. Poonam Sinha (Director, NIESBUD), Dr Madhu Parhar (Director, CEMCA) and Mr. Saurabh Mishra (Program Officer, CEMCA) were present in inaugural function.  

Dr Poonam Sinha in her welcome speech explained the need of self-employment in this new normal. She gave emphasis on how local employments in Ladakh will support in sustainable development and how entrepreneurship skills will play a vital role in it.


Dr Madhu Parhar appreciated the efforts of ITI trainers who were attending this online program in this pandemic with restricted internet connectivity in their area. She further spoke about upcoming Bamboo Technology parks in Ladakh Union Territories and how ITI students can be motivated to look for an alternative self-employment career in it.

Participants also shared their views on how entrepreneurial mindset can improve economic condition of Ladakh and generate local employment.

Sessions on Entrepreneurial Motivation, Life Skills, Financial and Digital Literacy, Role and Schemes of State / Central Government Department in Promoting Entrepreneurship, Preparation of Business Plan / Project Report were conducted in this 4 day of online capacity building training program.