Online Capacity Building of KKHSOU Teaching and Academic Staff on Development of MOOCs for ODL Learners

The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has taken encouraging initiative and launched SWAYAM MOOCs programme designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., Access, Equity and Quality. Open Universities in the last more than 20 years have moved from print material to web-based courses for delivery of instruction. With the emergence of new technologies, the universities have to move fast and keep the pace with the rest of the world. Keeping this new technological development in view, the teachers should be prepared to meet the challenges of the future. In this connection, KKHSOU in collaboration with CEMCA organized four-day workshop fro on Online Capacity Building of KKHSOU Teaching and Academic Staff on Development of MOOCs for ODL Learners from 22-25 June , 2020 42 teaching and academic staff of KKHSOU participated in the workshop.

During the inauguration Dr. Prasenjit Das from KKHSOU presented an overview of the need and scope of the workshop. Prof. Madhu Parhar, Director, CEMCA welcomed all the participants and the Resource Person Dr. G. Mythili, from STRIDE, IGNOU during the inaugural session and briefly explained the guidelines of Ministry of Human Resource Development for SWAYAM and on how to develop a MOOC proposal for SWAYAM. Further, Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi from CEMCA oriented the participants about Open Educational Resources (OERs) and the different Licensing Issues.

Dr. G. Mythili from IGNOU, the key resource person for the capacity building programme, demonstrated and conducted all the technical sessions includes: develop proposal for MOOC on SWAYAM Find the suitable OER for the selected course , Create account on Moodle and a course and use on Moodle , Develop e-Content and upload it on KKHSOU Moodle, Develop Videos using various open source tools Design assignment, Aassessment Qquestions using Moodle LMS. All participants, participated synchronously and mentored asynchronously through WhatsApp. The sessions were highly interactive for the participants.

On the last day, during closing and way forward, Prof. Madhu Parhar thanked the administration and the faculty/staff of KKHSOU for wholeheartedly participating in the 4-day workshop. Her opinions were equally echoed by Dr. Panigrahi. The Vice Chancellor of KKHSOU, Prof. Kandarpa Das said that a road map will be drawn as to how one can carry forward the ideas that emanated from the discussions and turn them into constructive thoughts. He specifically thanked the resource person from IGNOU as well as Prof. Parhar and Dr. Panigrahi from CEMCA for giving their quality time in providing hands on training to the participants. Dr. Prasenjit Das, on his part, thanked everyone for their cooperation and help in making the workshop a successful one.