OER Capacity Enhancement Programme organized for Bangladesh Open University (BOU) administrators from 30 August to 1 Sept 2015 at the BOU eLearning Center

New Delhi, September 03, 2016: BOU hold a three-day-extended CEMCA sponsored workshop on OER Capacity Enhancement Programme (CEP) for BOU Officers from 30 August to 1 Sept 2015 at the BOU eLearning Center as a part activity of BOU-CEMCA Joint Initiative on ‘OER Policy and Implementation of Blended Approach through eLearning at Bangladesh Open University’ aiming at orienting the desk officers of the BOU on Open Educational Resources (OER) issues. BOU officials from concerned departments were enthusiastically participated the sessions with Prof. Mohan Menon, former Deputy Vice Chancellor, Wawasan Open University – the key resource person of the project.

Professor Sufia Begum, Dean, School of Education, BOU said that CEMCA-BOU joint project document indicates that BOU going to launch Master of Business Studies (MBS) programme using the learning platform exclusively based on Open Educational Resources (OER). Its comprehensive application will allow teachers and learners to quickly and easily use trusted, high-quality materials that enhance their course curriculum and overall learning experience. This OER platform will integrate LMS.

BOU has already the OER Policy in 2014 with the support COL. BOU and CEMCA – regional actor of promoting ODL – have felt to implement the OER at the BOU as it has huge materials which have been used as hard copy and through the open accessed materials. Assistant Professor Md. Mizanoor Rahman, Team Leader, BOU-CEMCA joint project, in the inaugural session, said that using high-quality open educational resources, we can ensure that every learner has access to a texts, PPTs, and video that is linked to the curriculum, while saving BOU a significant amount of money for printing the hard copies of the self-learning materials and providing leaners with the learning materials without making any delay.

Dr. Md. Shafiqul Alam, BOU Training Director, in the opening session, said that success of open and distance learning (ODL) depends solely on team work where both academics and administrators’ joint effort is imperative. He appreciated CEMCA for drawing its attention to the team spirit and hoped that BOU officials would provide their best effort to come out successfully the CEMCA’s OER initiative.

Dr. Sabina Yeasmin, in the closing session, said that Prof. Menon has been able to take the participants through the knowledge of the essentials of the OER. Through the series of CEPs for policy-makers, officials, and academics, BOU-CEMCA joint project will be able to encourage participants to implement same by undertaking what is involved to develop course materials to the standard of OER.

The OER CEP held on 30 August to 1 Sept 2015 at the BOU was a step among other activities BOU has undertaken in the introduction of OER in the University. The CEP activities combined with its output clearly brought to the fore what is involved in the introduction and adoption of the OER. The CEP was well-attended by administrators from concerned departments of BOU. The facilitator was well regarded within the participants.