National Capacity Building Workshop on Institutional OER Policy at NSOU Kolkata

New Delhi, June 06, 2016: Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and Commonwealth Educational Media Center for Asia (CEMCA) in collaboration with Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata organized 3-day National Capacity Building Workshop on Institutional OER Policy from 1-3 June 2016. Thirty participants from nine State Open Universities and Central University of Himachal Pradesh attended the Workshop and deliberated on various issues of OER.

The objective of this workshop was to focus on institutional OER policy, from framing to implementation stage, for ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for learners in a collaborative way. This workshop has explored different aspirations of OER as well as OEP in its vibrant schedule.

During the workshop, the use of creative common licenses was elaborately discussed by the Resource Persons namely Professor Mohan B. Menon and Dr. Manas R. Panigrahi, Programme Office, CEMCA. The workshop started with a warm welcome to all participants by Dr. Anirban Ghosh, Workshop Coordinator. Dr. Manas R. Panigrahi introduced the theme of the workshop and the objectives associated with it. He also highlighted the role of CEMCA in promoting the OER.

Eminent speakers Dr. B.K. Bhadri from MHRD, Govt of India, Mr Siladitya Basu Roy, Joint Secretary of Higher Education Department, Govt of West Bengal, graced the inaugural function. Dr Bhadri in his speech raised some important issues like authentication, adoption and implementation of OER at institutional level and role of MHRD to promote the sustainable use of OER in higher education system. The Joint Secretary, HE Department of West Bengal assured that the department will support the University to promote the OER in the state. Professor Menon, the key person of this workshop nicely deliberated the issues relating to OER in depth. The dignitaries present on the dais released the blended materials on vocational course developed with the support of CEMCA before august gathering. In his presidential address, Professor Subha Sankar Sarkar, Vice-Chancellor, NSOU described the importance of OER in the context of NSOU and stated that with the active support and guidance of CEMCA, the university has adopted OER policy for the course under three schools of studies. He stressed upon the sharing of knowledge.

The first session of this workshop was conducted by Dr. Manas, one of the facilitator, by briefing the flow of action and expected outcome. In this session one participant from each university presented their institutional profile along with their OER activities. Suggestions came from Prof. Menon to list as much as possible relevant terminologies on OER to frame FAQ in respect to institutional OER policy for its adoption and implementation. A standard template was elaborately discussed by Professor Menon and same template and few OER materials were circulated to all participants. By following this template the participants were suggested to frame a proposed institutional OER policy suitable for their institutions.

The 2nd day began with group activities to prepare FAQs with respect to institutional OER policy. One representative from each group of four presented a short list of FAQs which would be disseminated through a google group. In post lunch session, representative from each university presented a proposed OER policy which was critically analysed by the facilitators.

On the final day, Dr. Panigrahi explained the terms strategic plan, action plan and accomplishment of goals. He assisted the participants in preparing a strategic plan for two years. On the basis of strategic plan, action plan may be drawn for next one year. On the basis of the demonstration given by him, the participants from each university presented their draft strategic plan and the action plan by which the goal can be achieved. Professor Menon critically analysed all presentation and suggested improvements where ever necessary.

At the end, Dr. Anirban Ghosh placed the report about the proceeding of the 3-day workshop. In the valedictory Address, Professor Yoginder Verma, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Central University of Himachal Pradesh told that OER is the future of higher education system taking into consideration cost of printing text book and sharing knowledge. The quality of the resources will automatically improve as the resources will be available to all. Dr. Ashit Baran Aich, Registrar, NSOU reiterated that the OER will replace the text book concept in the days to come.