National Capacity Building of ODL Professionals on OER Quality

National Capacity Building of ODL Professionals on OER Quality

New Delhi, May 30, 2015: Within the overreaching objective of learning for development, and the current Three Year Plan (2012-15) the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) is engaged in reviewing & improving quality of Open Distance Learning (ODL) and Open Educational Resources (OER). CEMCA has developed the Quality Assurance Guidelines for OERs: TIPS Framework for use by individuals and institutions engaged in OER production. In order to make the TIPS framework used in the online/offline environment, CEMCA organised a National Capacity Building programme from 27-29 May, 2015 on OER Quality at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), Hyderabad for ODL professionals. A total of 21 ODL professionals from State Open Universities of India participated in this capacity building programme. The objectives of the programme were to develop capacities of Open University teachers and BRAOU faculties on OERs and Quality Assurance Guidelines for OER: TIPS Frame work.

The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. V S Prasad, Former Director NAAC and VC of BRAOU, Hyderabad.  He explained various critical issues pertaining to OER. He also emphasized the philosophical foundation of OER and briefly discussed the ownership of knowledge to society, institutional approach to knowledge and individualised approach to knowledge. While recalling the OER Quality issues he put three Ps i.e. Perception: philosophy of OER, Passion: attitudes towards OER, Pride: feeling in doing. Finally he stressed upon the need to integrate sectorial policy to the National Policy for OER in India. Mr. B K Bhadri, Assistant Educational Advisor, MHRD, New Delhi explained the various policy initiatives of MHRD in this direction viz. integrating skill development in Higher Education, promoting open and distance learning, etc. He also discussed the opportunities for technology enabled learning by using NMEICT as a platform in teaching and learning process for the benefit of all. He also appreciated the CEMCA’s initiatives in India for the development of learning. Prof. V Venkaiah, Former VC of Krishna University spoke about 2012-UNESCO Paris Declaration, the need and importance of the OER in present context. He also suggested to all open universities of India to have OER policy on priority basis. Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer (CEMCA), highlighted the agenda of the three days programme and proposed vote of thanks.

The workshop was facilitated by Prof. Paul Kawachi from Japan, Prof. V Venkaiah and Mr. Akash Agarwal from India. The three-day capacity building programme involved: Concepts of Open Educational Resources; The CEMCA’s TIPS Quality Assurance Framework; Design issues related to OER Quality and Media Wiki; Creating OER using CEMCA’s MediaWiki; and Teacher Professional Development and OER Quality. Participants of the workshop explored strategic and operational plan for implementing TIPS framework to create OER in their institutions. The participants created content specific OER using CEMCA’s MediaWiki in group and presented their plans and OER to the whole group for feedback and reflection. Participants were exposed to theoretical as well as practical application of the OER and its quality through hands-on-experiences. In the valedictory session, certificates were distributed to the participants by Prof. Paul Kawachi and Prof. V Venkaiah.