Life Skills & Spoken English Training for Marginalized Community Women in Andhra Pradesh, India

Under the NEP 2020, the focus areas of the reforms seek to cultivate '21st-century/life skills' among students, including critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity and digital literacy. Understanding the need of blending life skills with regular college curriculum, Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) conducted a “Life skills and Spoken English Training Workshop” for 600 marginalized community females studying in degree colleges in Prakashm district of Andhra Pradesh.

Before starting the training, a baseline study was conducted by CEMCA’s partner organization in Prakashm district to identity and shortlist 600 marginalized girls/females studying in degree colleges who were interested in undergoing the training program.

A 3-days life skills workshop was conducted in month of October-November 2021, where participants were trained in multiple batches by corporate soft skills trainers. Various concept of life skills like teamwork, communication, problem solving, interview skills were taught to participants. Additionally, POSH awareness session was also conducted for all girl participants. Post training, a participation certificate was provided to all female aspirants.

A 3 month online self-learning English-spoken course(free) access was provided to all participants.

Detailed report can be downloaded from below link:

Life skills and Employability Skills Training for Marginalized Community Girls / Women