Launch of MOOC on Academic Counselling for ODL Learners (AC4ODL)- Third Cycle

In the open and distance learning system, the academic counselling sessions are very important. The sessions are meant for Informing, Advising and Counselling. After successful offering of two cycles of MOOC on Academic Counselling for ODL Learners (AC4ODL), CEMCA-OSOU launched the 3rd Cycle on 1st December 2021. Chief Guest of the ceremony, Prof. Ami Upadhayay, Vice-Chancellor, BAOU, Gujarat appreciated CEMCA and OSOU for this MOOC and its success in last two cycles. She described that how National Education Policy 2020, India highligh about the importance of ODL for reaching the unreached and ODL is the way to achieve GER in HE. As Guest of Honour, Prof. (Dr.) Kamal Jeet Singh ,Vice-Chancellor, Madhusudan Law University, Cuttack spoke about the importance of the AC4ODL MOOC and he sought support from CEMCA to train Law University teachers on Online Learning and MOOCs. He too expressed that Open Learning will be able to significantly contribute to the achievement of 50% GER by 2035. Prof (Dr.) A.K. Das Mohapatra, Vice-Chancellor, OSOU, Odisha appreciated CEMCA’s support for AC4ODL MOOC. Instructors, participants, OSOU staff and CEMCA team participated in the ceremony. More than 1000 people have enrolled in the course. The course was designed and developed by CEMCA with highly experienced experts. The course is available at: