Development of ICT Policy of Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCSU), Meerut

Development of ICT Policy of Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCSU), Meerut

New Delhi, August 12, 2015: Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi assisted the Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCSU), Meerut towards developing ICT Policy of CCS University. To finalise it a meeting was held on 30th July 2015 at the University. At the outset, Prof. Y. Vimala, Dept. of Botany, CCS University highlighted about the efforts of CCS University regarding use of ICT for different academic and administrative tasks. She particularly elaborated about successful online admission system of University that is in its fourth year. Honourable Vice Chancellor Sh. Vikram Chandra Goel emphatically stated that transparency, fairness and impartiality would be facilitated by ICT. He also mentioned that after struggle of three years, admission process has become transparent in the university. He focussed on the relevance of ICT in the present context. Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer, CEMCA  assured full support and technical assistance to CCS University in developing and implementing ICT Policy. 

 Dr. Jamal Siddiqui, Deputy Librarian, CCS University told about the current status of ICT in CCS University. He further talked about the fully WiFi campus, digitization of theses, use of barcode technology in library, and other issues.  He said that CCS University is doing quite well in terms of ICT but it also requires strong policy for ICT inclusion in both level i.e. academic and administration. Afterwards, Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi acquainted audience with the key features of policy development and procedures. He discussed the policy development template with the audience. It was an interactive session in which audience discussed the ways of policy development. During session two and three different stakeholders mainly heads of different departments and faculty members thoroughly discussed and agreed that following will be the key areas of proposed ICT policy of CCS University: Principles of ICT Application, Areas of ICT Application, University System Management, Affiliation System Management, ICT Infrastructure and ICT System Maintenance, Use of ICT in Open and Distance Learning, Human Resource Development for ICT use, and Quality Assurance of ICT. They have also developed some policy statements relating to identified areas.

After deliberations, it was decided that a number of policy statements will be prepared based on each of these areas and on the basis of these statements a draft policy will be prepared. This draft policy will be circulated among university stakeholders for wider consultation and on the basis of given inputs revisions will be made. Afterwards, a selected committee constituting experts from University, CEMCA, and other Universities/National organizations will evaluate the draft policy to give it a final shape. Prof. H.S. Singh, Pro-vice Chancellor CCS University called upon the faculty members to focus on ICT development as well human development.   The members present in the meeting were-Prof. Archana Sharma, Prof. P.K. Sharma, Prof. Aradhana, Dr. Jamal Siddiqui, Prof. Atveer Singh, Dr. Soti Shivendra Chand, Dr. J.S. Bhardwaj, Dr. Garima Singh, Dr. Vijay Jaiswal, Dr. Pradeep Chaudhary. Besides students of Pre PhD course work and M.Ed. have also given their inputs for formulation of ICT policy.