Development, Adoption and Implementation of Institutional Open Educational Resources (OER) Policy at YCMOU

CEMCA supports Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik, India for adoption of institutional OER policy. In this regard YCMOU organized three days institutional policy development and strategic plan for implementation workshop from 24-26 February 2020. Prof. Mostafa Azad Kamal from Bangladesh Open University and Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi from CEMCA facilitating the workshop. Seventy-Two (29 Female and 43 Male) University teachers, academicians and educational leaders were participated. 

Dr. Ram Thakar of YCMOU welcomed the gathering. Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Senior Programme Officer from CEMCA and Prof. Mostafa spoke about the need of OER policy along with the workshop objectives. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. Vayunandan, Vice Chancellor, YCMOU. He appreciated the CEMCA’s support in policy development and capacity building on OER.

The Session started with Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi presenting understanding of OER and its benefits for higher education institutions. Prof. Mostafa dealt with Copyright and various aspects of copyright, and there was discussion and queries by the participants on copyright. Further, the workshop covers the concept of OER and openness, searching of OER and creating OER, and creative common licences and its use at individual, institutional level. 

The participants engaged for drafting of OER policy and development of strategic plan for implementation of OER at YCMOU. All participants engaged in different activities in groups and each group produce one lesson using OER. At end of the 3rd day most of the participants completed the Understanding of OER ( course and earned a web generated certificate. The entire workshop was highly engaging with hands-on practice.