Designing and Developing a Blended Course using Moodle

February 4, 2020, New Delhi: UoH-COL-CEMCA Project, e-Learning Centre, University of Hyderabad (UoH) and CEMCA, New Delhi have jointly organized a three-day workshop on "Designing and Developing a Blended Course using Moodle" during 30th-31st January and 01st February 2020 in the Centre for the University faculty. This capacity building workshop is sequel to the earlier two workshops that were organized under UoH-COL-CEMCA project to train UoH faculty on e-Content development and its implementation. As UoH faculty are extensively using Moodle platform in their pedagogy, the aim of the workshop is to equip the Moodling teachers of the University with the skills required to design and develop a blended course using Moodle advanced features.



The workshop was attended by 18 faculty from different disciplines. The workshop was on hands-on training in structuring course, grading assessment, creating question bank and quiz, exporting grades, page and book modules with the content, interactive videos, creating and awarding badges, managing grade book etc. Each faculty has developed a module of the course he/she is currently teaching. Prof. J. Prabhakar Rao, Prof. Vasuki Belavadi from UoH and Dr. Indira Koneru from ICFAI were the resource persons of the workshop.

The following were the outcomes of the workshop:

  • The participants have initiated creation of e-Content on Moodle.
  • On the request of the participants it was decided to organize a one-day workshop on 
  • development of e-Content using MOOCs on 04th April 2020.
  • Six internal resource persons among participants were identified to train rest of the faculty in the University on how to use technology in their pedagogy.
  • The participants will meet every month to share their experience on using technology in teaching and learning.

Prof. J. Prabhakar Rao, Project Manager and Prof. P. Pavan Kumar have coordinated the workshop.