DAVP Empanelment Facilitation Workshop for Operational Community Radio Stations, New Delhi, July 30, 2013

   DAVP Empanelment Facilitation Workshop for Operational Community Radio Stations, New Delhi, July 30, 2013

New Delhi, 5/8/2013: Seventeen CRS were facilitated for DAVP empanelment in a one day workshop at Delhi on July 30, 2013 organised by CEMCA Community Radio Facilitation Centre (CCFC), supported by Ford Foundation. Another four CRS were also able to complete the process pending confirmation in the online system. Only six of the 27 CRS who attended the workshop were unable to register due to incomplete documentation.

The workshop was inaugurated by Ms. Supriya Sahu, Joint Secretary, (Broadcasting), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) who appreciated the efforts of CEMCA’s facilitation team and urged all participants to empanel with DAVP as an important step towards attaining financial sustainability.  She also announced the successful clearance of C R Fund to the tune of 100 Corers in the current Twelfth Plan by the Govt of India, and thanked all the experts who helped work-out the proposal. Two other MIB officials Mr. Inderjit Grewal and Mr. H. Rao participated in the workshop in the afternoon and addressed various queries that participants raised.

Senior Officials of DAVP,  Mr. Madhu Nag, Director and Rajeev Rustogi , Campaign Officer highlighted the  potential of CR as an effective  advertising medium  and informed  participants that in the  last financial year, INR 60,00,000 were released to empanelled CRS through DAVP. They also answered various questions pertaining to the empanelment and campaign fund allocations by various client ministries.  Mr. Rajiv Tikko, Director,  OneWorld Foundation India (OWFI) outlined the ways in which OWFI has been networking the sector through the portal Ek Duniya, Anek Awaaz; supported by CEMCA for the last three years.

Dr.Sanjaya Mishra, Director, CEMCA in his welcome address, appreciated the proactive and innovative leadership of the Joint Secretary Ms. Sahu, recognising her as a TALL person (Thinking Acting and Learning Leader) in the CR sector. Ms. Rukmini Vemraju, Programme Officer and Project Director, CCFC outlined the workshop objectives and encouraged the participants to complete the empanelment process. Four CCFC interns also helped in the process leading to a good number of CRS being successfully empanelled.