Create and Repurpose of OER for Learning at Odisha State Open University (OSOU) Sambalpur, Odisha

New Delhi, November 04, 2016: Under its OER initiative, CEMCA in collaboration with Odisha State Open University (OSOU) Sambalpur, Odisha convened a three-day workshop cum training programme on, “Create and Repurpose of OER for Learning at OSOU for Academics, Content writers and ICT personals”, at National Academy of Broadcasting and Multimedia (NABM), Bhubaneswar from 25-27 October 2016. Thirty-two (05 Female and 27 Male) participants, including academic staff, content writers, ICT personals, and resource persons, participated in the workshop. Prof. Mohan Menon, Former Deputy Vice Chancellor, Wawasan Open University (WOU), Malaysia facilitated the workshop along with Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer (Education), CEMCA, New Delhi. 

This activity is a part of implementation of Project entitled “Institutional OER Policy Finalisation, Implementation and OER adaption”. In this project OSOU adopted OER policy and started practicing for benefit of their learners through implementing the policy. OSOU will develop an OER repository with integration of LMS through which large number of learners will get access to all materials and also get opportunities for online learning. 

Mr. Jayant Kar Sharma, Registrar of OSOU introduced the objective of the workshop. He also informed about OSOU’s focus on developing OER. Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer of CEMCA shared about activities of CEMCA in promoting OER for quality education.  Mr. Prakash Kumar Pati, Dy. Director General, National Academy of Broadcasting and Multimedia (NABM) attended the programme as the Chief Guest. In his address he said that Content is important for education and OER can help developing quality content. Prof. Mohan Menon, who is the Key Resource Person of the programme informed the participants about importance of OER. The workshop provided opportunity to participants for hands on practice in creating knowledge and skill in OER related functional areas including creation of quality assured course material and search, find and reuse of OER material to be integrated in the course material.