CR Video Challenge Award function was held on June 28, 2016 at New Delhi

CEMCA in collaboration with UNESCO and AIMC had organized a CR video challenge (CRVC) for the students of mass media institute in the country. The theme of the contest was “Communiy Radio – Addressing Disaster, Saving lives”. CEMCA received 35 entries and panel of eminent Jury adjudged them on merit by the use of predetermined parameters. As per the scheme of the contest, the jury selected 13 as the top best videos.

CRVC award function was held on June 28th, 2016 at India International Centre, New Delhi.  Out of 35 students who participated in the contest, total 25 students attended the function. The jury members and invitees from different universities, institutes and organisations were present. The award winning videos were screened during the event to show case the talent of youngsters which was appreciated by everyone. Mr. S K Quraishi, Former Chief Election Commissioner was the chief guest who presented the awards to the winners.

Dr Shahid Rasool, Director, CEMCA congratulated the awarded students and also expressed his desire to take this initiative further. He said the training could be imparted to the young media students to get the better quality of video films. He proposed to organize the regional or state level training workshops to train the awarded students in audio and video production for further improvement.

Prof. Ashok Ogra, Director, AIMC welcomed the jury members and other invitees who were present during the event. He said that the quality of videos was good but it would have been better. However he said that conceptualization was certainly appreciable.

Mr. S K Quraishi greeted the invitees. He recalled his old memories in relation to the radio programmes. He informed that he used the radio as the medium to communicate with the community about the government’s health related programmes.

Ms. Monica Sharma anchored the event.

At the end Mr. R. Thyagarajan , Head, Admn. & Finance delivered the vote of thanks.