COL launches CommonwealthWiseWomen – a new programme to empower young women leaders across the Commonwealth

The impacts of globalisation, technological advancement, climate change and now COVID-19 have challenged organisations to find ways to contribute to sustainable leadership, while working towards gender equality. In an effort to help young women and girls become successful in their field of interest and build the future generation of leaders, COL has launched CommonwealthWiseWomen

This new mentoring programme will offer unique networking opportunities to women and girls from underserved communities across the Commonwealth. By pairing mentees with successful and influential women in leadership roles for a period of at least six months, COL will help these women and girls to map their future path through seeing (what leadership looks like), doing (using tools and skills recommended by the mentor) and networking (engaging with others). CommonweathWiseWomen will provide mentors and mentees with access to a safe forum where they can share ideas and learn from each other.

The first cohort of mentees includes 82 women and girls from 10 Commonwealth countries.  Over 25 prominent women – from the Caribbean to Africa, to Europe, Asia and the Pacific – have already joined this initiative as mentors.

“Through CommonwealthWiseWomen, COL will influence change and empower young women not only to become leaders themselves but also to influence others in their communities to become leaders. We will leverage tools and resources to support the empowerment of young women and build the foundation of their success,” said COL President and CEO, Professor Asha Kanwar, announcing the new initiative.

ABOUT THE COMMONWEALTH OF LEARNING: Since its establishment in 1987, COL has supported governments and educational institutions in the Commonwealth to establish robust distance teaching institutions and build competencies for quality online learning practices. Over the years, it has created many resources, including courses, policy briefs, how-to toolkits, as well as guidelines on online learning and related areas that are downloadable for use by policymakers, teachers and researchers around the globe.