CEMCA’s HE interventions reaches 90,000 learners and benefits about 1500 teachers and learners

CEMCA supported NSOU for the development of need-based courses (course materials Text and Multimedia) for three programmes during 2016-17. All the three programmes are being offered through Blended learning approach. 495 Prospective Teachers enrolled in One year programme “Pre-Primary Teachers’ Education-Montessori (Diploma)” in this year (2017). 493 learners successfully completed 1st year (2016-17) of “Tailoring and Dress Designing: Apparel and Textile Design (Advance Diploma)” and were promoted to 2nd year (2017-18). 500 learners enrolled this year (2017) to Tailoring and Dress Designing: Apparel and Textile Design (Advance Diploma) 2year programme. 87 Teachers enrolled this year (2017) for “Inclusive Education” (Certificate) Course. The admissions are open till 15 th November 2017. More than 90,000 learners/academia/educational leaders have access to the learning materials as OER through three institutional OER repository of BOU-Bangladesh, NSOU-Kolkata and OSOU-Odisha.