CEMCA organized a 10 days training on “Virtual Reality (VR) content development using 360-degree VR Educator Platform”

CEMCA organized a 10 days training on “Virtual Reality (VR) content development using 360-degree VR Educator Platform”. Around 50 faculty members of HELP University, Malaysia attended this programme from 20-29 August 2021. The training was inaugurated on August 20 by Prof. Datuk Paul Chan, Vice Chancellor, HELP University. Objective of the training was to build the capacities of teachers to create 360-degree Virtual Reality content for better teaching learning. The workshop was coordinated by Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi from CEMCA and Dr Loh Kok Cheang from HELP University.

Dr. Kaushal Kumar Bhagat from IIT Kharagpur explained the concept of 360 virtual reality and advantages of using 360 VR in the teaching and learning process. His team demonstrated different features of 360 VR Educator, developed by Dr Bhagat and his team in collaboration with CEMCA. The programme was conducted in synchronous mode through Microsoft Teams. The expert team provided all support during the hands-on activity to the participants who were engaged to develop a content on any subject using 360-degree VR platform. This session was conducted in synchronous mode through Microsoft Teams. For next 6 days, the participants were engaged to develop one content using 360-degree VR platform as output and outcome and conducted through asynchronous mode through a WhatsApp group. Participants were asked to submit an assignment at HELP LMS. As an Assignment the participants were expected to use all the functionalities of the 360 VR Educator that were demonstrated on Day One. The participants choose the topic of their choice. In the Day 9 (28/08/2021), participants demonstrated the 360 VR content developed by them. Feedback were provided by the resource persons to the participants. Then Q&A sessions was conducted to understand users experience with 360 VR Educator. The resource person and his team noted all the concerns and problems faced by the participants. The closing ceremony was graced by Prof. Madhu Parhar. She emphasized on the implementation of 360 VR Educator.