CEMCA-Dr BRAOU Launched MOOC on Online Course Development for SWAYAM

A MOOC on Online Course Development for SWAYAM is being jointly offered by CEMCA and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad.

Teachers of KG to PG level who want to learn more about online course development will find this MOOC informative and engaging. The course runs on an easy-to-use learning platform available via the internet. It will run over two weeks and requires approximately three to five hours of time each week. Learners can learn the content through readings, videos and discussions, and from other participants and instructors through meaningful exercises and quizzes.

During the inauguration on 30 November 2021, Professor R. Limbadri, Chairman, Telangana State Council of Higher Education appreciated the relevance of the programme in the present situation. He also said the Covid-19 pandemic has caused havoc in the education system. To reach the learners, Indian universities and colleges were encouraged to make use of SWAYAM online platform. Sri Navin Mittal, IAS, Principal Secretary, Commissioner Collegiate Education spoke of how this course will equip teachers of today and tomorrow to offer courses nationally and globally. Further, said the faculty members of universities and colleges require training so that they can design and develop quality online programmes based on the SWAYAM guidelines. Professor Madhu Parhar, Director CEMCA highlighted the need for teachers to build capacity in online course development which will help to enhance the Gross Enrolment Ratio. Professor Rao, Vice Chancellor BRAOU welcomed this initiative to meet the emerging needs for learner-centric teaching and learning.