CEMCA Community Radio Facilitation Centre to organize License Process Workshop at Radio Luit, Gauhati University, 28-30 May 2013

CEMCA Community Radio Facilitation Centre to organize License Process Workshop at Radio Luit, Gauhati University, 28-30 May 2013

   With a view to help more and more applicants negotiate the complex and somewhat lengthy process of obtaining a community radio license in India, CEMCA Community Radio Facilitation Centre (CCFC) has been trying to build license facilitation skills of individuals associated with Community Radio through the CCFC internship programme supported by the Ford Foundation since July 2011. To further develop capabilities of the facilitation process and increase understanding of the steps and legal requirements, CCFC will organize an institutional capacity building workshop at Radio Luit, Gauhati University for a team of ten persons from 28-30 May 2013. While this was planned within the framework of the project entitled “Enabling Media Access for Community’s Self- Expression”, it will also help in supporting exit strategy as the project comes to an end in early July 2013. The workshop will cover all aspects of CR licence facilitation starting from guiding new applicants in the correct application format to applying online for frequency allocation and other steps in the multi-stage procedure to the final wireless operating licence.  Though the workshop will be held at Gauhati University, another Community Radio Station -- Jnan Taranga -- housed at the Krishna Kant Handique State Open University has also been invited to participate in the workshop. The CCFC has had two interns from Radio Luit, who will also assist as co-facilitators in the workshop. With the availability of more trained people in the process of Community Radio licensing, it is expected that the North-East states in India will come forward to apply for more CR licenses.