CEMCA Community Radio Facilitation Centre to organize Licence Process Workshop at Film and Television Institute of India from 5-7 June, 2013

CEMCA Community Radio Facilitation Centre to organize Licence Process Workshop at Film and Television Institute of India from 5-7 June, 2013

The second of the two workshops in building institutional capacities for community radio licence facilitation processes is being organised by CEMCA Community radio Facilitation Centre (CCFC) at Radio FTII Pune from 5-7 June 2013. With a view to help more and more applicants negotiate the complex and somewhat lengthy process of obtaining a Community Radio licence in India, CCFC has been trying to build licence facilitation skills of individuals associated with Community Radio through the CCFC internship programme supported by the Ford Foundation since July 2011.  The activity is part of the project entitled “Enabling Media Access for Community’s Self- Expression” that comes to an end in early July 2013, and it will also help in supporting exit strategy by building further capacities in the Western region of India. Film and Television Institute of India, being an institution set-up under the aegis of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB), it is expected that Radio FTII is in an advantageous position to take the process assisting communities to apply for licenses. Radio FTII Station Manager, who has already undergone the CCFC internship programme in the past along with the Station Manager of Vasundhara Vahini at Baramati, will assist co-facilitators in the workshop. Another Community Radio station at Pune University -- Vidyavahini CRS will also participate with a team of four participants in the workshop. Currently, Maharashtra is one of the states with more operational CRS, and it also has a large number of new applicants. With the availability of more trained people in the process of Community Radio licensing, it is expected that the trainees will be able to facilitate more applications in the Western India.