CEMCA collaborates with Sector Council for Green Jobs for TVSD

New Delhi, July 26, 2016:  in a significant development, CEMCA signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with sector skill council for green jobs, on July 26, 2016.  The MOU is for an active collaboration, between the two organisations, for the coming 3 years to facilitate training of youth in the renewable energy sector for job roles related to solar, wind and solid waste management. This is a growing sector and needs about 10 million skilled human resources in the coming 5 years.

Skill Council for Green Jobs is one of the most recently launched initiatives of the Government of India aligned to the National Skill Development Mission. It is promoted by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Their mission is to capture the skilling needs for both service users and manufacturers/ service providers within the sector and implement a roadmap for a nation-wide, industry led collaborative skills development initiatives that will enable meet India’s potential for Green Businesses.

Dr. Shahid Rasool, Director, CEMCA, insisted on strictly following an outcome based approach in all interventions to be undertaken in collaboration. “The idea is to create livelihoods for the huge population of unemployed youth and promote practices for sustainable development”, he said. Dr. Manas Panigrahi, Programme Officer, CEMCA stressed on the  need for a strong Monitoring & Evaluation for all the initiatives taken in collaboration with SCGJ to articulate significant impact.

Dr. Praveen Saxena, CEO SCGJ, along with his team welcomed the partnership and expressed his interest in undertaking “Awareness workshops for Waste Management”. He also agreed to provide his team’s expertise in developing multi-media content for specific job roles and taking the content to the learner. CEMCA agreed to support SCGJ in Training of Trainers, especially in Platform skills and soft-skills. Both parties agreed that with a strong focus on marginalized youth, rural women and entrepreneurship development, SCGJ and CEMCA have a lot to achieve together in furthering the cause of sustainable development.