CEMCA collaborates with Power Sector Skill Council for TVSD

New Delhi, April 15, 2016:CEMCA team was invited by Power Sector Skill Council to their office on April 14, 2016 for formally singing a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate for the coming 3 years to facilitate training of youth in the Power Sector for job roles ranging from “Generation” to “Distribution” of Power. This is a growing sector and needs skilled manpower and has a good scope of providing sustainable livelihoods to the youth of India.

Power Sector Skill Council is an organization dedicated to the cause of facilitating Skill Development through a range of initiatives in the areas of Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Renewable Energy Power Equipment Manufacturing and Downstream activities.  This is an industry driven, industry-focused body committed to qualitative and quantitative improvement in industry workforce for Power Sector. With a strong quality focus on adherence to quality across all activities, this is a Civil Society Organization registered under the Society Registration Act 1860. PSSC is creating a dynamic labour market information system (LMIS) to keep track of trends inlabour market while identifying skill gaps in various states of India. They have framed occupational standards aligned to industry’s requirements, and are currently mapping them to international standards. This will help in creating a standardized supply of skilled manpower to the international labour market, helping India position itself as the “Skill Capital” of the world.

Mr. R. Thyagarajan, Director in-charge, CEMCA, insisted on the need for a strong Monitoring & Evaluation of all the initiatives taken in collaboration with PSSC to articulate significant impact. He also appreciated the effort of PSSC and their strategies to build skill among the youth in India. Mr. V. S. Saxena from PSSC agreed to give all necessary data for enabling good Monitoring & Evaluation study. Mr. Vinod Behari, CEO PSSC, talked about the emerging needs of training in renewable energy sector like Solar Panel installation and Wind energy harnessing. As a first programme in this partnership, CEMCA agreed to augment the training material for 5 job roles related to Power Distribution with audio-visual content, making learning more effective for the school drop outs.