CEMCA collaborates with Foundation of MSME Clusters

New Delhi, April 23, 2016:  Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC) organized a National Workshop on “Scaling Up Sustainable Production among MSMEs-Learnings and Way Forward” on the 22nd April, 2016 along with its partner organisations viz.- Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), GIZ (a German Technical Development Agency), Yes Bank Ltd., Global Reporting Initiative(GRI), Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with the support from European Union. In this event FMC formally signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CEMCA to collaborate in designing and implementing interventions to Skill youth and marginalized communities in establishing and scaling up operations of MSMEs in India.

Welcome address was given by Mr. Arun Maira, Chairman, Foundation for MSME Clusters and the inaugural address was given by Mr. Ashok Lavasa, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Mr. Johann Hesse, European Union Representative in India in his address congratulated FMC for the good work done so far. Mr. Mukesh Gulati, Executive Director, Foundation for MSME Clusters in his report mentioned that they were proud to be associated with partners like CEMCA.

As a starting initiative CEMCA is collaborating with FMC in up-skilling 1000 bamboo workers spread in Jharkhand and Meghalaya in learning better product design so as to significantly increase their income. This program will be launched next year and will be followed up with setting of Common Facilitation Centers giving market linkages to the MSME clusters.