Capacity Building Workshop for Virtual Open Schooling at IUC-TEFED Multimedia Lab, IGNOU, New Delhi on 11-13 February 2013

Capacity Building Workshop for Virtual Open Schooling at  IUC-TEFED Multimedia Lab, IGNOU, New Delhi on 11-13 February 2013

New Delhi, 30/01/2013: The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) and National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) are engaged in a collaborative effort to promote Virtual Open Schooling (VOS) in India. The national consultative workshop held on 16 October 2012 appreciated the initiative and suggested several issues for consideration. CEMCA based on the inputs and baseline survey of open schools in India has developed a feasibility report on Virtual Open Schooling in India. The report recommends development of a platform integrating all the technological initiatives at NIOS and suggests developing open courses for offer through a suitable learning management system. It also recommends orientation of the staff members on technologies to be used in the VOS platform. Taking this recommendation further, the Capacity Building Workshop for Virtual Open Schooling has been planned to provide technical knowhow and skill to use online technologies. Especially the workshop will cover use of MediaWiki for development of open courses, and Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) for offer of online courses. It is expected that the participants will be able to use Wiki and LMS for developing courses and offer the same online.  

About 25 participants form State Open Schools and NIOS will participate in the workshop. It is being organized by NIOS with support from CEMCA. Resource persons for the workshop will be drawn from experts at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).