Capacity Building for women broadcasters: Master Training 2- South India, 25-28 February, 2014 at Bengaluru, Karnataka

New Delhi, 05/03/2014: Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), in collaboration with Maraa -- a media and arts collective, organised the second Master Trainers’ workshop for community women broadcasters at Bengaluru, Karnataka from 25th -28th February, 2014 for seven Community Radio Stations (CRS) from three southern Indian states. From the state of Karnataka, Radio Active, Bangaluru, Krishi CRS, Dharwad, Radio Siddhartha, Tumkur and Namma Dhwani, Budikote participated in this workshop.  Radio Vishnu, Bhimavaram was the representing community radio station from Andhra Pradesh. From Tamil Nadu two community radio stations, namely Kalanjiam Samuga Vaanoli, Nammakal and Holy Cross CR, Trichy participated in this workshop.

The main thrust of this workshop was to train the community broadcasters to become trainers to involve women to participate in programming and broadcasting for community radio stations. The key objective of the workshop was to build upon the participant’s communication and facilitation skills as well as help them engage meaningfully in CRS activities, both developing good learning content as well as engage meaningfully with non-programmatic areas of a CRS like community mobilization, planning and conducting outreach activities and training. The first workshop was held for a group of CRS of the North in November 2013 in Delhi.

These participants will organise further training on community radio broadcasting, covering community learning programme development in their respective CRS for about 10 women each.