Capacity Building of Vocational Teachers of Bosch Vocational Center, Bengaluru on Open Educational Resources (OER)

Capacity Building of Vocational Teachers of Bosch Vocational Center, Bengaluru on Open Educational Resources (OER)

New Delhi, October 18, 2015: Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi in collaboration with the Bosch Vocational Center, Bengaluru organized a two-day training on Open Education Resources (OER) for Teachers of the Bosch Vocational Center (BVC) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) departments on 15th and 16th October 2015. The objective of this training program was to scale up the training activities at BVC and CSR by promoting the awareness and use of OER to support capacity building initiatives by BVC and CSR through open educational resources. Ten teachers of BVC and CRS in attended this training.

Dr. O P Goel, General Manager, Corporate Social Responsibility & Head - Bosch Vocational Training, Bosch Limited, Banaglore inaugurated the programme and explained the objectives of the capacity building programme. Dr. Goel welcomed Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer (Education) from the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi, who conducted the training. The technical sessions began by introducing the teachers to the universe of OER. This was followed by explaining the development and designing of instructional materials using Wiki and Creative Commons Platform. The vocational teachers were also introduced to the Creative Common licenses, Web Search for OERs and OER Commons. This two days training programme was full of hands-on practices and demonstrations on creating and searching relevant OER.

In the valedictory session, the participants shared their happiness asserting that, we will now start using the learnings from this training programme to develop course contents with the available OER found free of cost on the internet, in a structured manner. Dr. O P Goel has also expressed his interest in working with CEMCA for developing the Train the Trainer (TTT) Programme for higher scalability.