Building Community - Shaping Change: IAMCR Pre Conference at Hyderabad

Hyderabad, 14/07/2014: Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) supported the UNESCO Chair on Community Media, University of Hyderabad in organising a Pre-Conference at the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) conference from 13 – 14 July, 2014 in Hyderabad. The theme of the pre-conference was ‘Building Community - Shaping Change: the Role of Community, Citizen and Alternative Media in Regional Transformation’. CEMCA hosted two panels on the ‘Potential for Community Television in South Asia’ and ‘Self-Assessment of CR: Tools and Experiences’. Vasuki Belavadi, Sajan Venniyoor and AHM Bazlur Rahman shared their views on policy imperative for setting up of Community Television (CTV), potential low cost technologies and experiences of CTV in other countries. The panel discussion was moderated by Ankuran Dutta, Programme Officer,CEMCA. In the other panel, Rukmini Vemraju, Kanchan Malik and Pinky Chandran explained the experiences on the existing self-assessment mechanism for Community Radio in India, while Raghu Mainali and the moderator of the panel Jo Tacchi shared experiences of Nepal and Australia respectively.