ASHA workers Training(1st-16th August 2021)

Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) workers connect marginalized communities to the health care system and are the first line of defence in rural India. Since outbreak of pandemic, these workers have been tasked with the arduous work of combating the disease, from conducting COVID-19 tests, awareness program to checking patients in home isolation.

But still there is a knowledge gap and lack of awareness in Asha workers which is causing hinderance in Covid disease awareness work in villages. Further convincing rural communities for covid vaccination or instructing them about home isolation is becoming difficult.

To upskill ASHA workers of Barabanki District in Uttar Pradesh, Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia organised a training programme with help of an NGO Anvarat Foundation. Under this program 800 ASHA workers were trained in Community/Primary Health Centres at block level of Barabanki from 1st to 16th August 2021 in batches as per WHO guideline in consultation with Chief District Health Officer, Barabanki.