Allama Iqbal Open University developed Flexible Curricula for Skill Training

Allama Iqbal Open University developed Flexible Curricula for Skill Training

New Delhi: June 11, 2015: Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), Islamabad developed the curricula on 12 new skilled-based vocational courses in the discipline of media, electronics and agricultural sciences.  In this connection, four-day workshop (26-29 May, 2015) was held at the University premises to develop the curricula of these courses in collaboration with Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi.

Presiding over the workshop, Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Shahid Siddiqui said that the University would gradually switch over to online courses in order to facilitate the maximum number of students by taking full advantage of new technology. He thanked the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and its regional office CEMCA for their support in strengthening distance-learning system in the country. He announced that the University would soon set up a Research and Innovation Centre to promote research-based activities. The CEMCA’s representative Dr. Ankuran Dutta took part in the workshop from New Delhi through video conferencing and assured full support and technical assistance to AIOU in introducing professional and skill based courses for the benefit of women, youth and common masses of the country.

The new proposed courses which have been conceived to be launched soon are audio recording and editing, video camera handling, still photography, graphic and set design, digital camera repairing and maintenance, refrigeration and air conditioning repairing and maintenance, cell phone repairing, commercial poultry farming, construction of poultry farm, poultry processing marketing and value addition.

Technical vocational courses had been hallmark of the university since its inception. It had imparted skill-based education to hundred thousand students in the fields like maintenance of tractor, auto vehicle, electric wiring and cultivation of vegetables at home (kitchen garden) etc. This is first time CEMCA provided support to AIOU for such courses. In the second phase, CEMCA will support to develop the detailed contents of one or two proposed courses.

International Collaboration and Exchange Office, AIOU has planned to use the available potential for offering the skilled-based online courses. According to the Director of the office, Zahid Majeed, “In Pakistan more than 60% population are young and willing to contribute in national development. Educational opportunities are not enough and employment for educated class is very nominal/limited. In this scenario Vocational/Skill training help them to overcome the problem of jobs, thanks to CEMCA its support in development of ‘Flexible Curricula for Skill Training in Pakistan’. Both CEMCA and AIOU have agreed to develop 10 curricula for skill training; I am pleased to mention here that participants were so enthusiastic that at the end of the workshop they developed 12 courses. It is first time in the history of AIOU services or support departments were given opportunity to contribute in academic activities and they proved their worth to undertake the task.  These 12 courses will be offered to AIOU students and people of Pakistan equipping themselves with necessary skills in different professional trades. We are thankful to Dr. Ramesh Sharma and Dr. Ankuran Dutta for guidance and support to make this initiative very successful. In future AIOU and CEMCA will develop detailed contents of two courses from these 12 courses.” The Vice Chancellor Dr. Shahid Siddiqui is committed to enhance the AIOU’s role in promoting skill-based education through ODL system. He has already instructed all the departments to take necessary steps to this direction.