2 days documentary film making workshop commenced in BBAU Lucknow

BBAU Lucknow: Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) in collaboration with Department of Mass Communication and Journalism (DMCJ), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU), is organising a two days’ workshop on Documentary Film Making on March 5th and 6th, 2019 in BBAU Lucknow. Thirty two Students from all over India from Jammu to Kerala are participating in this workshop. These students are the winners of the 6th edition of Community Radio Video Challenge, a short film making competition organized by CEMCA every year. This year the theme for the competition was “Community Radio for Climate Action”. This competition is aimed at increasing the awareness of students about the role of Community Radios in bringing about Social Development. This 2 days’ workshop will be followed by Film Screening and Award Ceremony on March 7th 2019.

Every year CRVC Award Ceremony is organized in New Delhi. This is the first year that it is being conducted outside Delhi in Lucknow, in order to benefit the students outside the national capital. The key resource person for the workshop is Mr. Matiur Rahman, a famous Science Film Maker who has won several awards for his innovative story telling. Mr. Matiur Rahman is assisted by Ms. Ritika, a winner of the 5th edition of CRVC. The workshop is completely practical oriented and is very demanding on the participants, who are expected to create a 3 min Documentary Film by the end of tomorrow, i.e. March 6th 2019. The students are working in groups and getting a flavour of real film making instead of just theory behind the art.

Prof. Govind Ji Pandey, Head, DMCJ, BBAU Lucknow extended a warm welcomed to the participants and interacted with them, telling them about the theory of narratives. Speaking at the inaugural, Dr. Shahid Rasool, Director, CEMCA shared valuable remarks on Documentary Film Making. He told the participants about the significance of “treatment” in a documentary film. He also lay emphasis on fully utilizing the visual medium in film making. Mr. Matiur Rahman enlightened the participants about the importance of thinking and planning before shooting.

The film screening and award ceremony scheduled to be held in BBAU Lucknow on 7th March 2019 will screen the films made in this 2 days’ workshop and all the prize winning entries of CRVC. The first prized bagged by GBPUAT, Pantnagar for a film titled as “Dadaji ka Dabba” comprises of a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/-, a trophy and a citation. The second prize has been won by Central University of Kerala for a film called “Tharangabhaashini” and the film makers will get a prize money of Rs. 30,000/-. The third prize has gone to International School Of Business and Media, Pune for the film called “Beginning of the END” and is being awarded a cash prize of Rs. 20,000/-. Apart from these there will be 5 Special Recognition awards of Rs. 10,000/- each as well. Mr. Vikas Yadav from DMCJ, BBAU has received a Special Recognition for his film “Aapka Apna Baja”, based on the Community Radio “Waqt ki Awaz”.

CEMCA in its endeavour to promote “Learning for Sustainable Development” looks at Community Radio as an important medium and agent for Development and continues to support them for improving their sustainability in the country.